燉飯焗烤奶汁牛肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with beef & cheese sauce焗烤奶汁豬肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with pork & cheese sauce焗烤奶汁雞柳菘菇燉飯 320risotto with Chicken tender & white cream sauce焗烤奶汁海鮮燉飯 380risotto with seafood & cheese sauce焗烤奶汁起司鮭魚燉飯 380risotto with Salmon & cheese sauce焗烤茄汁牛肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with beef & tomato sauce焗烤茄汁豬肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with pork & tomato sauce焗烤茄汁海鮮燉飯 380risotto with seafood & tomato sauce焗烤咖哩牛肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with beef & curry sauce焗烤咖哩豬肉菘菇燉飯 320risotto with pork & curry sauce焗烤咖哩海鮮燉飯 380risotto with seafood & curry sauce奶汁田園菘菇燉飯 320risotto with seasonal vegetables & cheese sauce茄汁田園菘菇燉飯 320risotto with seasonal vegetables & tomato sauce咖哩田園菘菇燉飯 320risotto with seasonal vegetables & curry sauce菜單目錄義大利麵蛋奶素西式燉飯個人套餐2人套餐甜點冰淇淋三明治炸物咖啡冰沙手沖義式台灣茶冷泡茶熱奶茶冰奶茶西洋茶海鮮雞肉豬肉牛肉預定蔬菜 豆腐炒時蔬副餐果汁 牛奶牛奶冰沙特調冰沙啤酒 330ml啤酒 750ml伏特加威士忌白蘭地龍舌蘭琴香甜酒紅酒 單杯/瓶白酒蘭姆酒